Adam and I met on February 2007 at a Chicago bar. That day the Bears were playing against the Colts. The bar was so pack, and one of Adam's friend (Dave) accidentally stepped on my foot! I was so mad and told Dave to watch his step lol. He didn't listen, so I went to one of his friends (Adam) and I told him if he could please tell his friend to stop jumping on my foot! haha Adam was such a gentleman and apologized. The Bears lost, but we exchanged numbers. I didn't think he would call, but as soon as I got home my cel phone rang and it was him asking me on a date! We went into many dates, and we realized we had so many things in common. Since then, Adam and I had been inseparable. On May of 2009 Adam proposed and weeks later I realized I was pregnant ( Fools rush in!). We are both young , well we want to believe that, but we are so madly in love. We are more in love than we ever were because now we share something we can't wait to see: our baby!
ur belly is soooooo bigggg now!!! godzilla baby heheheh
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