Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time flies

Posted by Cristina ; Adam at 8:25 PM
It's been a while since I posted something in here. Not because I don't want to but because I've been extremely busy. Adam and I finally moved to Schaumburg! It was a smooth move, what can I say, I'm going to miss the city except for the ambulance sirens and the homeless screaming in the middle of the night!
This is a new begining for both of us, well it was actually when we found out we were pregnant, but now all we have in mind is Audriana.
I don't know if what I'm going to say sounds stupid, but I love her so much. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm pregnant but then, she starts kicking me and moving.
It is amazing how every day her kicks get stronger. I can;t believe she is mind, well ours. I can't wait to have her in my arms and kiss her. I wonder how she looks, would she have my personality? or her dads?

I've already register for some stuff at Baby R us and The Land of Nod. My sister is so excited with the arrival of her new niece. She already got her some stuff, to be specific, she got her a new pair of UGGS boots for newborns! I dont even have UGGS but my daughter does!
Adam is being reading to her too. I know some people make fun of it, and we are not doing it to make her smarter in any way, we just like the fact that we all lay down and read to her. It soothes me and I know it probably soothes Audriana.
I've been having really bad mood swings, well not that bad, but I'm very sensitive. It doesn't last that long but I get teary very easily.

I'm still going to school, and I'm planning on finish this Spring. I don't know how I would do it, but I don;t want Audriana to have a college dropout mother!
I haven't being taking that many pictures lately. I kind of feel bad about it, but with the move, school, work( which is now over), it was hard to catch up with the pics.

Now that i'm not working anymore, I'm going to try to do more things for Audriana such as buying her clothes, work on her scrapbook and write in her blog.
The othe rday I dreamed about her. I dreamed that I was holding her in my arms. WHen I woke up, I had this weird feeling. Well, it wasn;t weird, it was love. I couldn't believe how much I love her, and how bad I want her with me.


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